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I'm never very good at these kind of bullet hell games, but this is really well done all around. Controls feel good and the art style is very nice. Great job!

This is such a great little game, excellent stuff.

Awesome game!

Daaamn, this was awesome. The controls feel very tight and the art is beautiful also. Good luck in the Jam!

Two questions. 1. How did you create your smoothing for the player falloff speed, it feels great. 2. Is there some wizardry with Godot or did you code the connection between the player and the boat?

thanks! basically wasd just increases velocity, and velocity is just constantly decreased every physics process (I believe it's velocity *= 0.9 in physics process).

For the rope, I'd look into Verlet Integration. It's basically just a list of points that follows some rules like moving down (gravity) and moving closer to adjacent points (to simulate the connections between rope segments). It was surprisingly easy to make but i'm happy with how it turned out :)

Verlet integration? Never heard of it (just had to googled it), very very useful. Thanks!

dude, this is an amazing game easy to understand controls fantastic music track and sfx cool art well done man

thank u friend

bro, your game is really cool, it's the first time I'm making a game and participating in a jam, do you have any tip? I hope we get good placements :D

thanks and good luck :)